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It’s time for one of those posts again. The obligatory end-of-year post on the pit-falls and successes of the year ‘almost’ gone-by.

I thank my Daddy God that 2007 was a year of more successes than pit-falls and that most of the pit-falls were eventually turned into successes anyway.

If I had to sum up 2007 in two words, it would be, ‘cared for’. 2007 was a year in which I felt really loved and cared for by my Daddy God. From finding a job, joining a ministry, quitting the ministry, joining a cell group, quitting the cell group, joining another cell group etc. I felt like everything was painstakingly crafted by the One who watches over me. And even when I made mistakes, even when I was going through a tough time, it always felt that He was hovering nearby, ever ready to RUN to my aid. I have no doubt that everything that happened to me this year — all the good stuff and the bad stuff that turned into good stuff — all of it was choreographed by Daddy God. Do I believe in coincidence? No, I absolutely do not believe in coincidence because I know that all my steps are ordered by the Lord and are divine.

Here are the more memorable events that happened in 2007. Snapshots of the year, if you would.

1) The Job Search

The job search literally felt like hell on earth on many occasions. I went through many horrible interviews that led me to question my worth, my communication abilities and even if I was perhaps from outerspace. A few interviewers even made pretty hurtful and belittling remarks. But it was also through this painful process that I learnt a lot in terms of revelations and spiritual lessons. And it was through this that I learnt that all my worth was found in Him and had to be built on Him. I believe this was my training ground.

I started the job search while I was still completing my degree. I met with many closed doors during this time and I kept questioning God why this was happening. I cried to Him on many occasions. He told me that I was to complete my studies and He would give me a job as soon as I graduate. Somehow, I brushed this word aside with my religious thinking: “Of course it’s not God. God would want me to be productive. He wouldn’t want me to JUST STUDY part-time and LAZE AROUND”.

But, as they say, hindsight is always 20/20. Exactly one week after I got the results for my final assignments, I got a job. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that that was God speaking to me. The way in which I got this job is a testimony all by itself, but I shall not record it here. Suffice to say that it is grace and grace alone that I got this job. Lesson learnt here? It’s ok to LAZE AROUND. Haha.

2) Work

Many of you know that I hate my current boss. But, I do love most parts of what I do. And God has shown me His favour time and time again in my working place. From readers writing in spontaneously one month after I joined the company (which has never happened before and which my boss and my colleague were trying to make happen), to grace for the many mistakes I made while working and my ability to cope with my workload, no matter how much was piled on me, I see His grace all over.

3) Family Relationships

This year, relationships with my parents are very much better. And I’m very glad my sister has embraced the message of grace.

4) Joining and Quitting the Ministry

2007 is a year where I really stretched myself and stepped out of my comfort zone. I joined the choir by myself and joined a cell group by myself. It would normally take a lot of courage for me to take this step because I’m quite afraid of new social situations, but this time, I didn’t feel scared at all. Although I later quit the ministry and stopped attending the cell group, I learnt a lot from it. And now I’ve finally found a cell group where I’m quite comfortable with the people in it.

The major thing I learnt from joining the choir and later quitting is that it’s ok to make mistakes. It’s ok to miss God. It’s not a failure, neither is it something to be embarrassed about.

5) Revelations

This is the year where I truly know I’m loved by Daddy God. Truly truly loved. There’s a difference in knowing it in my head and knowing it as I do now. Nothing and no one can convince me otherwise now.

And I am also thankful that the revelation of righteousness by faith keeps getting deeper and more real every year.

Kudos: honour, acclaim

Kudos to You, Jesus. All honour, acclaim and glory to You. Thank You for 2007!

So goodbye, 2007, I had fun, but let 2008 come man!

2008 is gonna be good. Pastor Prince said that it’s the year where the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 will manifest in our lives. And Daddy God told me it’s going to be a year of break-throughs for me. I am excited about 2008! This will also be the year where I will go to Israel with Shih Ling. Amen!

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